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Creativity Is A Skill

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Many experts believe creativity is something comprised of a set of cognitive skills. These skills can be learned, sharpened, and enhanced over time, leading to incredibly creative ideas and experiences.

When I use the term “skill," I don’t mean that creativity can only happen to those who have mastered it. It really takes very little to amp up your creativity. You’re part of a very special group that is going the extra mile to make that happen.

Even the top person in a field or area of business might be desperately uncreative. It won’t take much to set yourself apart from them.

The Creativity of the Young vs. the Old

Some people wonder about beginner’s luck and the wide-eyed dreaminess of the young. They wonder how the landscape will change and what headway will be made when younger people with newer ideas come into the picture.

As I’ll explore further on, creativity isn’t just something for the younger generations. Your set of experiences and your skills of creativity are the determining factor.

So, why do newer people often make the biggest splash in any industry? It’s because outsiders often come up with fresh ideas and new insights.

It’s so easy for experienced people to get stuck in a rut, thinking about the same thing in the same way. But outsiders can come in and instantly have a new take on the situation, changing the way everyone views the problem. It’s a mindset shift—which leads to instant creativity. It really is an interesting phenomenon.

You, as an experienced expert in your field, can combine your experience with the new skills you’ll develop by looking at things from all different angles. You’ll generate incredible, unbeatable inventions, innovations, and ideas.

We Are at an Important Point in the History of Business

There’s never been a better time in history to be innovative. Creativity and innovation are highly valued in the current business landscape. Combine that with a wide-open path to getting new ideas into the world.

Think about it–it was just a few years ago that you couldn’t easily self publish your own infoproducts and books. It was just a few years ago that Internet marketing and business e-books didn’t even exist. It was just a few years ago that social media and viral marketing would have sounded like completely foreign concepts. It wasn’t long ago that phones were hard wired into your house, not freely connected to the world and sitting in your pocket or purse.

There is no time like the present to develop incredible ideas that take off like wildfire. You can create and make your ideas known. There’s no one to tell you no. If you can dream it, you can achieve it–that’s never been truer than it is right now.

With that said, the creative process is no walk in the park. You’re going to learn a lot about being creative, but you should know that it’s often an uncomfortable process, full of growth. You might feel uncertain and timid, and totally out of your comfort zone. This, too, is something you will learn to embrace.

You’re going to have all the tools you need to generate incredible ideas that give a powerful push to your business. Creativity is one of the most important skills to develop. Without it, other competitors and colleagues will leave you behind. Creativity is valued so highly these days, and so many people are implementing new, powerful ideas, that this is not something you can ignore.

Let these concepts and skills transform you so you can be ahead of the creative curve in the information age.


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