You may not recognize your own fears and simply see them as uncomfortable feelings of inadequacy. Only when you can recognize them for what they are and put a name to them will you be able to plot against them and finally overcome them.
Fear turns to anxiety and together they can wreak havoc on your goals and dreams for the future. Symptoms of fear and anxiety may be pronounced - such as a rise in blood pressure or heart rate.
Your breathing patterns may change and you may feel like you want to run rather than face your fears. Others may experience a paralyzed feeling and take no action at all. Procrastination is a result and you may never overcome it, depending on how fearful we are and how much we’re willing to fight it.
Simply the anticipation of problems or a bad ending to a situation can cause symptoms of fear and cause us to drop out emotionally and physically of wherever we were heading when fear stopped us in our tracks.
You don’t have to accept fear and let it rule your life. Face it head on with true facts rather than the negative scenarios you let run through your mind when facing the unknown.
Once you know your fears for what they are, you can find a solution to move past it. You take control rather than fear controlling you. You’re no longer the victim, but an empowered and self-confident person who invites positivity rather than negativity into your life.
After you’re able to recognize the signs and symptoms of your fears, you’ll be better able to empower yourself, face the fears and trust that you can overcome the fears and be on your way to achieving your dreams and goals.
It’s easier to empower yourself when you have a plan. Set mini goals for yourself when you’re afraid of the outcome of a situation. Each time you reach one of those small goals you’re further on your way to realizing the end result – and with each small step you’re knocking down the building blocks of fear.
Fear makes you settle for less than you can be. You may settle for a job that pays less than you’re worth simply because of fear preventing you from thinking of yourself as worth it.
Settling for a relationship that doesn’t really work is also based on fear – fear that you’ll never be able to have the relationship you want because you don’t deserve it. Overcome those fears by thinking about what steps you’d take if you did deserve happiness - both in a relationship and your life’s work. Think of the amazing things that could happen in your life if you could just stop being afraid. Begin to unmask the fears and see them for what they really are – lies.