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Nutrition to Control and Cure Cancer

Nutrition to Control and Cure Cancer

Cancer. It’s one of the most feared words in our vocabulary and regardless of which type it is or how early it’s detected, it strikes fear in our hearts. No one is fully immune to cancer – it can strike at any age in both genders.


Experts now know there are ways to reduce our risk. Part of that stems from early detection and vigilance in getting your screenings done on time. That’s preventative and lifesaving.


There may not be anything you can do about hereditary qualities, but they know that keeping a trim waistline and getting up and exercising is another way to keep cancer at bay.


Food is another thing you can control to manage your risk of developing cancer. Not only is it about the types of foods that you eat (or miss out on for protection), but it’s about the way those foods are cooked.


Charcoal grills might make your food taste wonderful, but the cooking method of charring your food increases your body’s risk for developing cancer – even when you thought grilling was naturally healthy!


It’s the high temperatures that cause the most damage – so if you do grill your food, don’t overcook it or char it to the point where it ignites the cancer-causing chemicals to get released into your body.


Get Rid of Cancer-Causing Toxins


Foods in slight moderation aren’t going to harm your health to a strong degree. Enjoying the occasional treat is okay, but don’t make these foods part of your regular diet – because that’s when they become toxic.


Meats are generally cancer-causing foods – especially if they’re processed like sandwich meat (bologna), hot dogs, sausage and more. Bacon is one of the worst offenders – and it’s highly due to the sodium nitrate involved, along with all of the additives and preservatives.


When nitrates get into your body, they can get converted into nitrosamines. These cause cancer to develop and studies have shown that processed meat eaters are twice as likely to suffer from colorectal cancer, more likely to have stomach cancer and have an increased risk of getting pancreatic cancer, too.


Even if it’s not processed, red meat can be a cancer trigger anyway. Beef consumption has been linked to the above cancers, as well as prostate, colon and breast cancer, too.


If you’re trying to keep cancer at bay, meat isn’t the only thing that you have to lay off. You also need to stay away from fried foods. Everything from potato chips and French fries to doughnuts help contribute to cancer in your body.


The snack foods often have carcinogens in them that get released again, during high temperatures. This is one reason why so many health advocates follow a mostly raw food diet – because cooking not only destroys nutrients, but it activates cancer causing elements.


It’s not just potatoes that have this chemical – acrylamide - in them. Many foods that are heated to high degrees end up with this danger attached to them, but potatoes are the most susceptible to it.


Sugar doesn’t just lead to obesity, which contributes to the development of cancer. Sugar is known to feed cancer cells, and it can speed up the development of cancer in your body.


You want to do everything you can to slow the process down. Cells in general are attracted to sugar – even the good cells in your body. But cancer cells take that sugar and use it to increase their power and destruction in your body.


Studies about sugar and the cancer connection have proven that men and women who consume more sugar and foods higher in the glycemic index are more likely to develop cancer.


What kinds of cancers do high sugar diets cause?


·         Pancreatic

·         Skin

·         Uterine

·         Urinary

·         Breast


Next to heart disease, cancer is the second largest killer of men and women in the United States. So not only do you need to get rid of toxins, but you have to learn how to properly feed your body for protection, too.


Prevent the Growth of Cancer Cells by Eating These Foods


Recent studies show that diets high in animal protein are linked to an increased risk of cancer. But over age 65, the rules change. If you eat meat, make sure it’s grass-fed beef. That type of beef contains CLA, which stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which researchers feel helps fight cancer cell development.


To protect yourself from the development or growth of cancer cells, make sure you consume foods that empower your body at a cellular level. That means focusing on antioxidants.


These are foods that inhibit oxidation in your cells. This is what helps cancer cells generate and thrive inside your body, wreaking havoc on your healthy cells until you start showing signs and symptoms of disease.


Nuts are great for cancer protection. Peanuts and almonds have vitamin E, which help reduce the instances of cancer. Vitamin E supplements don’t have the same effect on your body.


Your body needs fiber to function properly, so you want to eat plenty of whole grains (not white grains) that will help flush out toxins and keep your system clean.


Fruits, such as grapefruit, berries, and oranges provide antioxidant protection for your body. You want to choose foods rich in vitamin C, because that plays a role in keep cancer cell growth under control.


Berries in particular are known for their strong antioxidants – with blueberries ranking #1. Cranberries come in a close second. Both of these berries contain a high dose of cancer fighting antioxidants.


Vegetables that do the same include bell peppers and broccoli. Sweet potatoes pack a punch when it comes to fighting against cancer.  The beta carotene in them is what helps so much.


Remember – supplements are not a good enough substitute for real, solid foods when it comes to giving your cells the nutrients they need to fight disease in your body.


Don’t just rely on food alone in your fight to stay healthy against disease. In addition to solid foods, herbs and spices can also help keep you healthy. They can serve as anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants, too.


Keeping your health intact is a burden that falls on your shoulders. Traditional medicine can only do so much to help you in the event disaster strikes. Ultimately, it’s up to you to feed your body what it needs to survive – and protect it from toxic waste that prevents it from doing its job.

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