Setting Up Your Membership Site

There are a lot of options when it comes to setting up your membership site. But let me be clear here: the worst option is to set it up so that you have to deliver content manually, week after week after week.
If you set it up that way, then you always need to be around to upload content. Oh sure, you can do it while you’re sitting at the beach on vacation, but who the heck wants to even be thinking about work when you’re supposed to be relaxing?
And sure, you could hire someone else to upload content when you’re not around. But that’s just a completely unnecessary expense. If you set your membership site up the right way, then you don’t need to be glued to your desk, nor do you need to hire someone else to be glued to their desk to upload content.
The solution? Drip-feed your content. This means you can upload a ton of content at any time, and then decide exactly when your members are going to get it.
Drip-feeding content makes your fixed-term membership site completely hands free. Once all your content is ready, then upload it all and set it to drip-feed – you don’t need to touch it ever again.
You can also drip out monthly membership content. For example, you can upload a year’s worth of content today and set it to drip to members over the next year. Your members keep paying month after month, and yet you’re not glued to your membership site manually uploading content.
As mentioned earlier, one of the big advantages of running a monthly membership site or a fixed-term site is that you get to contact your members every week or so with new content – and every time you contact them, you get another opportunity to recommend a related product. It’s very profitable when done right.
For example, you can set it up so that your members will see the content they have access to, as well as see what’s coming their way soon. This helps build anticipation and reduce churn.
Secondly, you can also set it up so that members see “upgrade” content. So, imagine this: a member logs into your membership site to download the latest content. They see a list of the content they have access to, as well as a list of some of the content that will be coming to them in a week or so. But then they also see titles and descriptions of one or two related products that they can purchase.
For example, your weight loss members go to download the latest set of recipes, meal plans, and weight-loss tips. Then they see an upgrade, such as a link to a collection of exercise videos. Your members can purchase that upgrade on the spot, and their newly purchased videos will now be available for download inside the member’s area.
This is an easy way for you to generate additional revenue – and your members will be happy too because you’re giving them the tools and resources they need to solve their problems.
Now before we leave this topic, let me share with you one more idea: dripped bonuses. If you’re looking to improve retention, then offer delayed bonuses to your members. For example, perhaps you give your members a really cool bonus as soon as they join your site. And then you deliver a fresh and highly desirable bonus every two or three months after that.
This creates satisfied customers and it keeps your members active.