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Turn PLR Articles Into A Hands-Free, Profitable Autoresponder Series

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What makes this strategy so effective is that it can be a virtually hands-free way to make money. And it’s incredibly fast too, since you’re using PLR articles to create the emails. Simply choose a set of PLR articles that are related to your backend offers, tweak them to be sure they’re evergreen (so that you can use them over the long term), and upload them to your autoresponder. Boom, just like that, you’ve got a tool that’s working for you around the clock to build relationships and make sales.

Another advantage of this particular strategy is that you can start small, and add emails to the series over time.

For example, perhaps today you only have five PLR articles that would work for this purpose. Great – tweak them, upload them, and you’re good to go. You can start making sales even if you never add to the series.

But to make the series an even better sales tool, you can and should add to the series. For example, imagine if you kept adding emails here and there until you had 52 emails in your series. If you sent out one email per week, you’d have a full year’s worth of emails being sent out on autopilot to build your relationship with prospects and sell products and services. That’s powerful… and profitable!

So, here’s the next question: how do you put this profitable strategy to work for you? That’s what you’re about to learn how to do. Read on…


Here’s a quick overview of how to turn PLR articles into a profitable autoresponder series:

· Step 1: Plan Your Backend Offers

· Step 2: Pick Suitable PLR Articles

· Step 3: Prepare Your Series

Now let’s get into the details of how to complete each of these steps…

Step 1: Plan Your Backend Offers

Before you can even think about creating your article (email) series, you need to figure out what you’re going to sell on the backend. That way, you can pick articles that suit your purpose.

Now, heads up here…

If you’re creating a lengthy autoresponder series, then you will probably sell multiple products and services on the backend. Keep these tips in mind:

· Promote only ONE product or service in each email. Don’t try to promote multiple products within one email, as doing so will just dilute your efforts and your conversion rate.

· Create a mini-series around each product or service you promote. For example, you may create a series of three to five emails to promote one product. Then you may add another five emails to your series, but this second set of emails promotes a different product. Simply put, you’ll enjoy a higher conversion rate if you expose your readers to a promotion multiple times over a series of emails.

Let me give you an example…

Let’s suppose there are three products that you have in mind that you’d like to promote in your autoresponder series. What you’ll do is create a mini-series for each of these three products.

So, for example:

· Your first five emails will promote Product 1 (and only Product 1).

· Your next three emails will promote Product 2 (and only Product 2).

· Your next set of four emails will promote Product 3 (and only Product 3).

That’s 12 emails – at one per week, you already have a three-month autoresponder series that’s selling three different products.

For this example, I picked an arbitrary number of emails to promote each product. Here’s how to decide how many emails in a series to promote each product:

· New prospects may require more emails. Initially, your prospects don’t know, like or trust you. So, if you recommend to a new subscriber that they purchase your product, they’re not going to jump on your offer right away. As such, you’ll need to send more emails in order to close the sale. That’s why your very first mini-series should be around five emails long (as it gives you a chance to start building a relationship and introduce subscribers to the product).

· Expensive products require more emails. This is makes sense, right? Your subscribers will require more convincing (and thus more emails) for a $197 product versus a $10 product. Whereas you might be able to sell a $10 product in two emails, count on three or more emails for a $50 product, four or more emails for a $100 product, and five or more emails for a $200 product.

These are just general guidelines – do some testing to see what number of emails (in relation to product price) works best for you.

· Affiliate offers may require more emails. Even though subscribers may grow to trust your offers, they may be more skeptical about affiliate offers. Thus, you may need to have a longer series when you’re promoting other people’s products (e.g., perhaps it takes you five emails to sell a $100 affiliate offer, but only four emails when it’s your own product).

So let me give you a couple examples:

· You’re selling a $10 product to your brand-new subscribers. Since they don’t know you yet, you may take three to five emails to build trust and close the sale.

· You’re selling a $50 offer to subscribers who’ve been on your list for awhile. You can use three or four emails to promote the offer.

· You’re selling a $25 affiliate offer to people who’ve been on your list for some time. Because it’s not your own product, you may take three or more emails to sell it.

These aren’t hard and fast rules. Rather, they’re guidelines to give you an idea of how many emails to use to pitch each of your separate offers.

Once you plan what you’re going to sell within each mini-series (as well as about how many emails you’ll use to pitch the different offers), then move onto the next step…

Step 2: Pick Suitable PLR Articles

Now that you have an idea of what you need, you can look for private label rights (PLR) articles to meet your needs. These could be existing articles already sitting on your hard drive, or you may seek out articles from a reputable PLR vendor to suit your needs.

As always, you’re looking for well-written and factually accurate articles. The less tweaking you need to do in order to use these articles, the better your return on investment (of both money spent to buy them and time spent to tweak them).

What you’re looking for are articles that are highly related to the backend offer you’re selling. And, ideally, you want a series of articles from the same PLR vendor (so that each mini-series carries the same writing style).

TIP: Let’s suppose you’re looking for a series of three articles. You don’t necessarily need to find three PLR articles to create this series. You may find that you can take one long article and chop it up into three parts to create your series.

Here’s the key: you want your autoresponder series to be useful yet incomplete. The “useful” part of the series is that it solves part of your prospect’s problem. But it’s incomplete, meaning it doesn’t solve the entire problem. And that where you pitch your highly related offer on the backend.

For example, let’s suppose you’re selling a dieting guide. And let’s suppose you’re creating a three-article series to sell this guide. Here are examples of ways to offer a useful yet incomplete series:

· Provide three weight loss “secrets” (one in each email). Then pitch the dieting guide at the end of each email.

· Share an overview of the three main parts of weight loss (nutrition, exercise and motivation). Again, share one topic per email, and pitch the paid guide at the end of each email.

· Share three tips. These could be three short emails, or you may decide to share three to five tips PER email. You’d then pitch the diet guide at the end.

· Share in-depth information over three emails on ONE of the parts of dieting. For example, create an email series called “Three Steps to Getting Motivated,” where you share in-depth information. You’d then point to the dieting guide where people could learn more about the nutrition and exercise components of weight loss.

· Offer tools to help people lose weight. For example, you might offer a week’s worth of meal plans and recipes inside each of the three emails, and then point readers towards the guide to optimize their weight loss.

· Provide a weight-loss FAQ (frequently asked questions) series. Here you provide three questions and article-length answers such as “Which exercise works best for weight loss?” You then pitch the paid product at the end.

You can see you have plenty of options. Pick (or buy) the PLR articles that are a good fit for the type of series you want to create, and then move onto the last step…

Step 3: Prepare Your Series

Now that you know what you’re selling and you know what PLR articles you’re going to use in your autoresponder series, your next step is to tweak the articles to prepare them. Follow these tips:

· Rewrite the introductions and conclusions as needed. For example, the introduction may talk about what was in the last email as well as what’s coming up in the current email. The conclusion will whet the reader’s appetite for the next email, as well as pitch your offer.

· Create flow between articles. If you’ve compiled multiple articles or perhaps chopped up an article to create your email, be sure it reads smoothly. You’ll also want to check that your series as a whole reads smoothly.

· Tighten the articles. People often have a shorter attention span when reading emails (versus a blog, for example), so cut out unnecessary fluff.

· Format for easy reading. Short sentences and short paragraphs are easier to read, especially on mobile devices. For example, use bulleted lists rather than long paragraphs whenever possible.

· Use a postscript (P.S.). The postscript is often one of the most-read parts of an email, so use it wisely. One good use is to provide a link and call to action for your offer.

Once you’ve followed the above tips, then upload your email series to your autoresponder. You’ll want to send out test emails to yourself, paying particular attention to the following:

· Check that all your links work.

· Check that you formatted the email properly. If it’s an HTML email, be sure you’re using a responsive template so that it shows up well on mobile screens.

· Check that any code you used works properly. For example, if you used your email service provider’s code to enter the recipient’s first name, then be sure the name is displaying correctly.

At this point, you know enough to get everything set up and ready to roll. But before you upload your first series, you’ll want to review the next section…


Now that you know how to set it all up, keep reading to discover more tips for optimizing this strategy.

Create Evergreen Emails

The key to making this an effective strategy is to create emails that don’t become outdated. In other words, you need to develop an evergreen autoresponder series that seems just as fresh a year from now as it does today.

Here are the keys to creating evergreen content:

· Share time-tested, proven strategies. Avoid “fads” or anything that hasn’t been tested over time.

· Promote time-tested products. If you’re promoting affiliate products, then use links that redirect through your own domain. That way you won’t have dead links floating around if the vendor changes the links or retires the product.

· Avoid any references that date the content. For example, don’t mention seasons, years, events, or anything else that gives readers any clue as to when you uploaded the content.

Here’s the next tip…

Use Compelling Subject Lines

Your subscribers are going to decide whether to open your emails or not based largely on the subject lines. That’s why you need to invest a considerable amount of time brainstorming compelling, benefit-driven and/or curiosity-arousing subject lines.

E.G., “Here’s a weird trick for getting rid of cellulite…”

Insert Graphics

If you’re using an HTML template, then insert responsive graphics into the content to make it easier to read and more aesthetically pleasing. These graphics might be infographics, charts, tables, illustrations or even photos that are relevant to the content.

Offer Something Unique

By definition, private label rights content is something that multiple people are licensed to use. Thus if you use it right out of the box, then it’s not going to be unique. That’s why you want to seek ways to make your autoresponder series unique. For example:

· Insert your own tips and examples. This works especially well if you’re sharing tips that can’t be found anywhere else. Not every email needs to be 100% unique, but it does help if at least one tip per email is something rarely found elsewhere. If you offer something that people aren’t getting anywhere else, you can bet they’ll keep opening your emails to see what else you’re going to share.

· Provide case studies. Even if others in your niche are doing case studies, no two case studies come out exactly the same. As such, you can offer unique content simply by sharing results from case studies or experiments.

For example, if you’re sharing an article about how to set up a Facebook ad campaign, you might insert your own case study to demonstrate how well the tips in the article work to get great results.


Use a Conversational Tone

Tweak the PLR content to create a conversational, friendly tone. This helps engage subscribers and keeps them reading.

Which brings us to the next tip…

Engage Subscribers on an Emotional Level

If you want to keep subscribers reading, you need to engage them on an emotional level. Your typical “how to” content usually won’t do that. That’s why you need to insert something else into the PLR content to engage readers. One good way to hook readers emotionally is by telling stories.

For example, if you’re sharing how-to information about copywriting mistakes, then share a personal story about how you made one of the mistakes (and what happened as a result). This helps readers relate to you, which is a good way to build trust and a good relationship with them.

Create a Related Lead Magnet

How do you get all these subscribers on your list so that you can start sending them your autoresponder series?

Answer: you offer them a high-value, in-demand lead magnet. This might be an ecourse, a report, a video or something similar. Keep in mind that you can also create your lead magnet using private label rights content.

Now let’s wrap things up…


Congratulations are in order, as you now know yet another way to turn PLR articles into a valuable asset. In this case, you learned how to turn these articles into a hands-free, profitable autoresponder series using these steps:

· Step 1: Plan Your Backend Offers

· Step 2: Pick Suitable PLR Articles

· Step 3: Prepare Your Series

Now there’s just one step left: take action! Because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll start reaping the profits from this simple monetization strategy!

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