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Day 5 - The #1 Key to Standing Out with a Unique Membership Site (AKA How to Beat the Competition)

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31 Days to Profitable Memberships: Day 5 - The #1 Key to Standing Out with a Unique Membership Site (AKA How to Beat the Competition)

Depending on the niche you’re serving, you may notice that there are a lot of other PLR vendors competing with you. Not only that, some of these other vendors are not only selling PLR, they’re also using a membership site to do it.

Here’s the problem: if you just put up a site that looks and feels like everyone else’s site, you’re going to have troubles getting the sales going. You need to make your site stand out. And the primary way you’re going to do this is by defining your unique selling point (USP).

Your USP is basically a succinct reason why marketers should join YOUR membership site rather than getting their PLR content from your competitors. It’s the over-riding reason why your site is not only different but better than your competitors’ offerings.

NOTE: What we’re talking about today pertains to your membership site as a whole. Later in this guide we’ll talk about ways to make your content itself unique.

This is a three-step process:

1. Do some research to get a better understanding of what your competitors offer, as well as what USPs they’re using (as your USP won’t be unique if someone else in your niche is already using it). You can complete this step by searching for your niche keywords (e.g., “bodybuilding PLR”) and then studying your competitors’ sites.

2. The second step is to brainstorm all the ways your site is different than your competitors’ sites. What do you offer that they don’t?

3. The third step is to select a strong unique selling point that’s not in use by anyone else in your niche. Be sure this is a benefit/advantage that your audience actually values. Later you’ll incorporate this USP into your sales letter, your marketing campaigns, your emails, and other aspects of your site.

So, what we’re going to focus on for this lesson is how to complete Step 2, where you brainstorm how your site is different and better than the competitors’ sites.

Important Note: Your USP doesn’t have to showcase something that is 100% unique to your site and your site alone. Instead, it just needs to showcase a benefit or advantage that none of your competitors are highlighting.

Let me explain using an example. Folger’s coffee uses the USP “mountain grown.” However, most coffee is grown in the mountains, so that’s not unique to Folger’s. What IS unique is that Folger’s was the first coffee company to point this out and use it in their marketing.

Okay, so let’s talk about your USP. Answer these questions to help you brainstorm (putting as many answers as you can think of, where applicable):

How is your customer service different from the competition? For example, maybe you offer phone customer service, which is fairly rare.

How is your pricing different from the competition? Note that you don’t want to set yourself apart based on a LOW price. You can, however, position on value or other factors (such as affordability by offering monthly membership fees rather than having people pay yearly membership fees).

How is your delivery of the content or formatting different from the competition? For example, do you offer video and text versions?

What is the advantage of using your PLR content over offerings from your competitor? For example, is your content to sell-written that buyers can use it directly out of the box?

What unique credentials do you have to offer this particular type of PLR content? E.G., do you have educational, job or other achievements relevant to the niche? Are you an expert in some way?

What makes your content different from what others are offering? E.G., your content always includes professional layout, graphics and design.

What makes your business as a whole different from the competition? Brainstorm everything you can think of.

Why should people buy your PLR content as opposed to buying from the competition? Brainstorm again to come up with as many benefits and advantages as you can think of.

If you work your way through these questions, you’ll likely find a few different USPs from which to choose. Just double check that no one else is using it, and you’ll be good to go.

TODAY’S TASK: Your action step for today is to brainstorm and then select a unique selling point to use for your membership site. Be sure to research your competitors’ sites so that you don’t select one that’s already in use by someone else.

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