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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 26 - Create a Cash-Pulling Sales Letter, Part 1

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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 26 - Create a Cash-Pulling Sales Letter, Part 1

Your next task is to create a sales letter to sell your PLR content. You may do this task yourself if you have the time, skills and inclination. Alternatively, you can outsource this task to a professional, who’ll likely be able to create a higher conversion rate. That alone tends to be well worth the investment, since your site will bring you more money.

NOTE: In addition, if you’re creating marketing materials with private label rights – such as a sales letter to go along with a report or other product – then everything we talk about here applies to the PLR sales letter as well.

If you decide to do it yourself, then you’ll want to check out the tips I share here in this lesson as well as tomorrow’s lesson. Let’s jump in with the first two steps you need to take before you can create your sales letter…

Determine the Benefits of Your Offer

Your sales letter is going to focus on the benefits of your PLR membership site, which is why you need to take a few minutes to detail all the benefits. Ask yourself these questions:

· What all is included in your offer? (Content, bonuses, etc.)

· What is your USP (unique selling point)? What makes your offer different and better than other PLR offers in your niche?

· What are the benefits of the content you deliver each month? For example, do you include professionally designed layouts?

· Who wrote the content? Is it professional, fact-checked and well-written?

· In what ways can the customer use this content? (List several ways in order to engage your prospect’s imagination.)

· What are the benefits of your pricing?

· What are the benefits of the bonuses you offer?

· What are the benefits of this membership site as whole?

· Does membership come with a guarantee? If so, what are the terms?

Take note that you’re focusing on benefits, not features. A feature is a part of your site or offer, while the benefit is what the feature does for the user.

For example, a feature of a PLR membership site is that members get two new PLR reports every month. The benefit for members is that they never run out of products to sell to their customers.

Profile Your Target Market

The second step to take before you actually start writing your sales letter is that you need to understand your audience. This means you need to profile your target market.

You can find some information about your market by running a search (e.g., online marketer demographics). You can collect some information by surveying your market. You can also eavesdrop on marketing forums and groups to get a feel for who your audience is and what they want. (If you go this route, pay attention to discussions on PLR content so that you’re getting insights about the right segment of the population).

Once you’ve collected some information, then answer these questions:

· Does your audience buy a lot of PLR content, or are they fairly new to buying and using it?

· Is your audience already doing business online, or are they new to it?

· If your audience is already doing business online, what do they sell? How long have they been in business?

· Why does your audience want PLR content?

You’ll also want to answer questions about the demographics of your audience. For example, how old are they? Are they males or females? Where do they live? How much money do they spend on information and tools for their business?

The more you know about your audience, the easier it will be for you to create a sales letter that really resonates with them.

TODAY’S TASK: Today’s task is for you to start creating the sales letter (starting with profiling your market and defining your product’s benefits). Alternatively, your job today is to find someone to whom you can outsource your sales letter. If you do this, you’ll still need to provide this person with as much information as possible about your offer and its benefits, as well as any audience profiling information you can provide.

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