Anti-Aging Appearance Action Plan

Growing older won’t change your appearance suddenly. That’s why so many people miss the subtle changes in how they look. It’s always best to be on the offense when it comes to aging because it’s easier to prevent the signs and slow them down.
You’ll want to make sure that you follow an anti-aging appearance action plan throughout all the different stages of your life. Don’t worry if you haven’t done it yet – just pick up on one as soon as possible.
In Your 30s and Younger
Some people believe that the time to prevent aging with their appearance happens once they hit middle age. But the truth is that the best time to begin an anti-aging program is in your 30s and younger.
When most people think of aging and appearance, they immediately think of their face. They imagine the crows’ feet, the wrinkles and the sagging skin. But your skin isn’t the only way your body will show signs of aging.
You can also see signs of aging in your hair. Full, luxurious hair can thin as you age even at this stage in your life in your 30s and younger. You can also have deficiencies you may be unaware of in vitamins or nutrients that will affect your bone health and cause problems with your posture and mobility as you walk.
Those problems begin in your 30s and younger but don’t manifest themselves until approximately ten to fifteen years down the road. But of all these aging issues that affect the appearance, most people want to deal with the signs of aging on the skin first.
Regardless of what your complexion looks like right now, you can’t see what’s going on beneath the surface that will age your skin. Not only does age take a toll on your skin but so does sun damage.
Even if you never get a sunburn and you’re careful to cover your skin with sunscreen, you can still encounter sun related damage to your skin. Besides often overlooked sun damage, your hormones also play a part in how your skin will look as you age.
You need to pay attention to the aging stage that you’re in as you grow older and gear the steps you take toward what your body needs before it becomes an issue. What you’ll want to watch for at this stage of your life are the things that can promote aging.
Your cells aren’t producing at the rapid rate that they once were. Your collagen isn’t as plentiful. What that means to you is that your skin is laying a foundation for wrinkles to appear shortly.
What you want to do right now is to carefully examine your skin and note any issues. These would be things like loose areas, faint lines, sun spots, deepening grooves and dry skin.
As your skin starts to slow down its cell production, it has a harder time retaining moisture. This lack of hydration can compound the look of aging. So what you want to do is make sure you have anti-aging products that give your skin what it’s already starting to struggle with producing itself.
That means look for anti-aging products that are rich in nutrients. Make sure that these products say they work to hydrate the skin. If you start using a serum designed to tone your skin, you can prevent wrinkles and sagging. It’s best to use a daily serum as well as a night cream.
In Your 40s
By the time you reach your 40s, the signs of aging are going to become more pronounced. If you haven’t already set up an anti-aging routine, then now is the time to do that.
When you put an anti-aging routine in place, even if you’ve already seen signs of aging, you can roll back the clock. Most people think that by the time they reach this age, they don’t have to worry about getting blotches on their skin.
They believe they don’t have to deal with breakouts - but that’s not true. As you grow older, your hormones are changing and that can have a drastic effect on your skin. You need to check your skin for signs of blotching.
You’ll notice this by studying your face in a well lit area and using a magnifying beauty mirror. When you see signs of uneven skin tone, that means aging is causing your skin to blotch in areas.
But there are products that you can use that can even out your skin tone. Check your skin’s elasticity, too. Gently pinch different areas of your skin and see how fast it snaps back into place.
If your skin remains pinched together and only falls back into place slowly, that’s a sign that your skin has lost hydration and firmness. You’ll want to use products that work together to moisturize and restore firmness to your skin.
Don’t forget to pay attention to the backs of your hands as well. You can easily see signs of aging here. Extend your fingers out and look for signs of wrinkles, lines and sagging around the knuckles.
You may also notice fine lines and age spots here. Treat your skin with age diminishing products that are known to lighten dark spots, restore hydration balance and tighten the skin.
Because your collagen production slow down also affects the hands, be sure that you use a collagen rich product on your hands. As the skin ages, it can take on a weathered look.
This is caused by sun damage, a lack of proper nutrients, exposure to harsh chemicals, and dryness. When your skin looks leathery, it can make you look a decade older than you actually are.
If you use makeup, always use the types of foundation that offer sun protection. Make sure that you keep your skin as protected as possible from the sun with products that offer at least SPF 30 protection.
Have a habit of using sunglasses every time you’re in the sun. Most people don’t realize that their habit of squinting in bright lights is bad for the skin. Remember that if the light outside is so bright it makes you narrow your eyes against it, then you’re creating lines around your eyes.
Using an eye serum can help fight against wrinkles and lines around the eyes. Never skip a day of putting on moisturizer. If there’s one product you always want to have on hand, it’s this.
Look for ones that rejuvenate, firm and hydrate all in one product. While you’re at it, don’t forget to make sure you keep your lips protected against aging as well. Your lips need to stay hydrated, too.
If you have bad habits, these can contribute to the signs of aging. If you smoke, it can cause your skin to develop wrinkles. It can also dry out your skin and cause your skin to lose elasticity.
While you’re in your 40s, you’ll notice changes in your hair. Growing older can cause your hair to become less dense. You might also start to see some gray hairs. Thinning can begin even at this stage in your life.
You’ll notice that your hair has started to thin away from the center for your forehead, allowing your scalp to be seen depending on how you style your hair. The reason this is happening is because your body no longer puts out the same level of hair growth that it once did.
Most women don’t realize that this sign of aging can be reversed. You can use products that contain nutrients to make your hair look fuller. Use products that are designed to give your roots a lift.
It’s best at this stage to avoid doing things that can damage your hair. This would be habits such as not using moisturizing products. Your hair needs a good hair serum at this point.
You also need to be on the lookout for heating damage. Blow dry your hair using the cool setting rather than the warm one and avoid prolonged used of a curling iron or a flat iron.
Due to a loss in sebum which is your hair’s natural oil, your hair will become drier. When that happens, your hair can become dull and you’ll be more prone to developing split ends and other damage.
Combat the signs of aging for hair by making sure you eat a diet that contains plenty of foods that have antioxidants. You need vitamins A and E for rich hair growth as well as plenty of foods that contain the omega acids.
In Your 50s
When you begin your 50s, the changes to your skin can become blatantly clear. At this point, you’ll see that the small, almost unnoticeable fine lines have suddenly become quite noticeable.
You’ll start to see wrinkles and they’ll appear deeper than before. Some people can develop grooves on the face on either side of the mouth. You might also start to notice that the skin around your neck is now sagging.
Your skin doesn’t look as firm or as vibrant. The youthful glow has dulled. However, it doesn’t have to stay this way. You can get that youthful vitality back by following a definitive action plan.
At this age, exfoliating is a necessary part of any anti-aging appearance action plan. Exfoliating gets rid of dry skin cells that can make your skin look dull. It also helps your skin to look smoother.
But what a lot of people don’t know is that exfoliating on a regular basis can diminish the signs of fine lines as well as wrinkles. You’ll want to use a product that’s water based because this also helps your skin’s hydration needs.
You can also look for products that are referred to as sloughing creams. These also smooth the skin and can roll back the effects of time. When you check your skin in the mirror, if you notice signs of aging such as wrinkles or thinning skin, you’ll want to get started using products that contain retinoids.
Retinoids serve several functions when you use them. First, it fights against aging and is widely recognized as one of the best anti-aging products available. Secondly, it has the power to reduce even noticeable wrinkles.
It works to boost the plumpness of your skin. When your skin starts to thin, it can make you look older. This boost in plumpness reverses that and gives your skin back its elasticity.
In addition to that, retinoids are known to interrupt the speed at which the skin loses collagen production. As a result of this, you’ll reduce sagging skin. If you happen to have age spots or areas of sun damage anywhere on your skin, using products containing retinoids can change the color of these blemishes and make them appear lighter and less noticeable.
At this stage in life, your body and therefore your skin can become more susceptible to inflammation. You’ll notice areas that are red, dry and sometimes feel like thick patches on the surface.
You need to use antioxidant serums to protect your skin against inflammation that can make it look older. Antioxidants are known to reduce inflammation both internally as well as externally.
In Your Senior Years
The three top issues with age related appearance changes that you’ll notice in your senior years are hair, skin and nails. While thinning hair and patchy loss can occur as you age, it’s not something you can’t prevent.
There are plenty of hair care products that can help but you might end up paying a little more than you normally would. However, these products are well worth the extra cost. You’ll want to buy shampoos that offer both volume and softness as a result of using the product.
Volumizing ingredients work to plump up the hair starting at the roots so your hair looks fuller. You need the softening agents because in your senior years, the hair can start to become coarser.
Make sure that you use a conditioner that offers the same benefits. Pay attention to the ingredient list and avoid any products for your hair that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This ingredient is known to dry out hair.
You can also use products that help you re-grow your hair. Make sure you check with a doctor to see what he or she recommends in instances of severe hair loss. Anti-aging appearance products for the senior citizens should include plenty of skin care products.
Your skin becomes damaged starting in your 20s. By the time that you reach your senior years, that damage will present itself in the form of wrinkles, flaky skin, age spots and dark circles.
Your skin will have a dull sheen to it rather than a glow of vibrancy. The way to restore your skin is to have an anti-aging appearance plan that includes products containing antioxidants.
Though you can eat foods that contain antioxidants, it’s often not enough to restore the damage. You need direct contact to the skin. For that reason, buy skin serums and moisturizers for the skin that contain retinol, Vitamin C and green tea extract.
Also look for ones that contain hyaluronic acid. The appearance of your nails will change in this stage of your life. How fast your nails grow ill slow down. The appearance of your nails will change.
You’ll notice that they have ridges or ripples in the nails. They can become more susceptible to breaking. The number one cause for aging that affects the appearance of your nails is due to the conditions they’re exposed to.
Weather, water and chemicals can age your nails. To combat this problem, you need to use a supplement containing biotin that’s known to strengthen and restore nails as well as hair.