Launch a PLR Store

If you have the talent to write, like we talked about earlier, and you enjoy researching topics, then you might want to create your own private label rights store.
Private Label Rights (commonly known as PLR) is content that you write once and then sell to multiple buyers. The only differences between that and ghostwriting is that you have many buyers, you price it very low, and you choose the topics you write about (with no deadline), so there’s less pressure!
How a PLR Store Can Help with Your Holiday Cash Crunch
PLR is a product that many successful marketers need and use frequently. Many of them can’t (or don’t want to) hire ghostwriters who charge anywhere from $10-30 a page and up for unique content.
They’d prefer to buy well-written content at rock bottom prices, and then tweak it or do a simple rewrite of it so that they have something unique for their own website or blog.
Or marketers who have multiple niche websites (that number dozens), PLR can be a real blessing that saves them time, money, and frustration – if they happen to lack the talent to write it themselves.
When you’re sitting there wondering how you’re going to buy all of the gifts you need to buy this holiday season, you should consider PLR because as long as you’re willing to do the work, it can pay off handsomely for you at this time of year – and year-round!
Successful marketers have busy lives, too. Not only are they busy in general all year with running their various sites, but when the holidays come, they have the same chaotic lives as the rest of us – family coming, events to attend, and the desire to relax and enjoy some down time.
PLR enables them to do all of that without stressing. It’s much easier for a marketer who has a site on skincare to simple shop for some PLR, download it in an instant, and upload it to their site – rather than conduct their own research to figure out topics, hire a ghostwriter and wait to see if the deliverables are what they expected (not to mention it costs a lot more that way, too).
You can effectively sit down right this second, write a pack of five one-page articles, and promote it for sale online, with cash getting delivered straight to your PayPal account the same day.
But let’s get into more of the details so that you can effectively build a PLR business that sustains – not just your holiday income needs – but your annual household finances, too.
What Do You Need to Operate a Store?
A domain isn’t a necessity, but it sure ups the ante for your professionalism, and at $10 or less per year, it’s worth the small investment. For this domain, you want PLR in the actual URL, so something like this would work:
With the first one, you’re specifically telling who the audience for your product is. The second one gives the exact niche you’re writing about (since you can have a broad variety or specialize in one niche topic).
The third domain name emphasizes the cost savings of buying your PLR, which is one of the major perks your buyers will get out of that experience. And the fourth brags about your quality content.
Hosting is needed to go along with your domain. Without a domain and hosting, you can spread the word about your PLR on social networks, give them your PayPal email to send the money to, and manually deliver the files to their email inbox.
But this is a much better way. Still, if you have zero dollars to invest, it’s okay to take the budget method and use it until you have some cash coming in so that you can reinvest it and really get the holiday cash flowing.
With your hosting, you’ll be uploading zipped files of your content into the hosting account so that when an order is placed, there’s a download link available for your buyers to grab it from.
An automated delivery tool is needed for this step. Some people use Download Guard. It’s something you purchase once, install, and it creates expiring download links that get sent to your customers (even while you sleep) so that you can take a hands-off approach to that portion of the business.
You want the links that your customers get to expire so that they can’t spread the link all over the Internet and let others download your PLR content for free. This prevents theft, but it also automates everything for you nicely.
A list building service is important when you open your own PLR store. PLR buyers always buy ongoing content – so if you can email them whenever you have something new ready, they’ll snap it up in a heartbeat.
If you’re desperate for money, then you can certainly start your list building efforts with a free tool like MailChimp, for example. But you’re limited as to how many subscribers you can have – plus, you have to deal with their intrusive ad placement in your emails.
A better solution is to sign up for the Aweber service (they have a $1 trial for the first month, giving you time to start earning money), and then it’s under $20 a month.
Obviously, you’ll need some sort of word processor on your computer where you can create your content. You can use Word, but most marketers prefer to get your downloads in Text format anyway, saved as a .txt file.
How Do You Know What Topics to Write About?
PLR topics are easy to come up with. There are several ways, which include:
· Visiting ClickBank and looking at top selling products. If a “dating for men” product is #1, then it’s a good bet that a pack of PLR on that topic would sell well, too.
· See what other PLR sellers are selling. You never, ever want to rip someone else off by copying their article ideas, but looking at popular topics (like weight loss, gardening, etc.) is perfectly reasonable.
· Consider the seasons. You know that New Year’s Day is when millions of people start on a diet. So, releasing diet PLR around November and December is a good strategic move. You can also release Halloween Costume PLR in September – that sort of thing.
One great thing you can do is use a free keyword tool to help you generate ideas for topics. For example, go to a site like and type in a main niche topic, such as “lose weight.”
That will give you ideas on what kinds of articles people are looking for – lose weight fast, lose weight without exercise, lose weight after pregnancy, lose weight by swimming, etc.
What kinds of packs should you be creating? Think about all of the different kinds of content that marketers need for their many niche websites. That would include things like:
· eBooks to sell
· Sales copy to go with it
· Squeeze page copy
· Opt-in reports
· Viral reports
· Blog posts
· Articles for directories
· Email autoresponders
You can even create entire packages and sell all of those things in one pack. For example, a “Survival Preparation PLR Pack” that included an eBook they could sell with all of the trimmings listed above to help them make it a success.
What Rights Do the Buyers Have to Your Content?
You can put rights on your PLR packages if you want to – and you should put some sort of rights on them so that people don’t hinder your future sales. Here are some things you might want to allow or not allow your customers to do with your PLR:
· Edit the content (generally, it’s a good idea to allow them to do this because many PLR buyers want to use it as “springboard content” – content that gives them a starting point that they can work with and tweak.
· Put their own name on it (you usually want to allow this because it wouldn’t be good if they edited it and then kept your name on it).
· Tell them whether they can pass along the PLR rights to their own readers or buyers.
The fewer restrictions you have on your content, the better – but do the minimum it takes to protect your content from becoming too dilutes because your customers will want as little competition as possible when they buy and use your content.
Promoting Your PLR to the Right Buyers
Aside from promoting your PLR to your list that you’ll be building; you have some other ways you can promote your PLR. You could pay for advertising on sites like Google using AdWords, but you can also do it the free way!
Start your own blog. Your actual PLR store can either have a blog built into it or it can be just the automated shopping cart like Download Guard offers. Either way, a blog is a great way to promote your store and get ranked quickly so that you start accumulating more cash for the holidays.
Promote it on social networks. Your PLR should get announcements on all of the top social networks – and even some obscure ones that you can find if you want to increase your chances of making more sales.
Twitter is a place where you can promote your PLR in 140 characters or less. It doesn’t take much time at all. Follow Internet Marketers on Twitter and they’ll usually follow you back – perfect for letting them find out about your new PLR releases!
Facebook is a great way to promote PLR, but don’t spam your friends and family with it. Instead, open a Facebook Fan Page for your business and let people “Like” and “Share” your posts so others (their friends and fellow marketers) can see it.
Press releases are a free way to get the word out about your new private label rights packages. You can certainly upgrade them and pay for more exposure, but the free option does offer some online coverage for you.
Expose your PLR to potential buyers in forums where marketers hang out. Places like are forums where you can have what’s known as a signature file – sig file for short.
A sig file is a line or a few lines where you can put a link to your PLR store that people can follow whenever you post on a forum thread. So all you have to do is participate in the forum!
Special advertising sections are also available on the same forums. But these are paid areas. Still, if you create a large enough pack and discount it, it might do very well and you could recoup your money easily.
Pricing Your PLR Packs
PLR is different than ghostwritten content. Most PLR is approximately $1 per page. Yes, you’ll see people who package 500 articles for a penny, but that type of PLR is usually of poor quality.
If you have limited PLR, which means you restrict the number of copies sold (let’s say 250 copies as an example), then you can up the price slightly to reflect the scarcity of it.
You might also want to run PLR specials from time to time. Download Guard has a coupon system built right into the shopping cart, so if you have a list or want to give your Facebook fans a special code to enter to get 50% off, for example – you can!
If you ever run a major ad campaign, like you might find in the Warrior Forum’s special advertising section called the WSO section, then you’ll want to make sure you provide a good discount.
You might write a pack of 50 articles and discount it to just $27 for example. On the face, it might seem like $27 for 50 articles is too little – because that means you’d just earn $0.54 a page!
But when you write content for a hot niche and you sell 50 packs at $27, it suddenly ups your per page rate significantly. Plus, those specials can stay on there indefinitely for future sales.
Consider Becoming an Affiliate for Other PLR Providers
Let’s say the holidays are coming up fast and you’re not sure you have time to launch your own PLR store. Well, you can still sign up as an affiliate and promote other people’s new packs – and earn approximately 50% of the sale!
This is a fast-track way to get more holiday cash without having to open your own site or create your own products – and you get paid quickly – in a month or less in most cases.