Dating at Different Life Stages

Your current stage in life is important to the basics of how and whom you date. For example, it’s unlikely that you’ll want to go on the same type of dates in your 30s the same as you did in your 20s.
Look at dating in your 30s on the bright side. You’ve gotten through that immaturity of youth (hopefully) and are ready for a solid relationship based on true feelings rather than infatuations.
You likely realize that dating isn’t the only thing you should be focused on. Now, the focus is likely concentrated on passions and friendships. Of course, a career might be all important to you at this age and take up a lot of your time and energy.
If you’re dating in your 30s, you’ll also notice that the dating pool has become smaller and many of your friends and relations are currently in marriages or long-term relationships.
That makes it more difficult to accidentally find your true love through social circles. It may be time to try the online dating options. While you know the clock is ticking for marriage and a family, desperation isn’t the right way to enter the online dating mindset.
It’s so much more meaningful at this time in your life to find the right one for you – not to simply grab someone out of the mix to provide you with children and a relationship. Communicating your desires online can be done without a sense of urgency.
You should enjoy the romance of dating in your 30s much more than when you were in your 20s. You’ll be more confident in your sexuality and you’ve likely learned what’s important to you in a potential partner.
Physical appearance and other characteristics that you once perceived most important in a date have now become less important than personal qualities that can complement your own values and traits.
You’ve also reached a stage in life where you are secure in your own power of selection and can handle the ups and downs of romantic life much better. Your romantic life isn’t as critical as it once was and you can be more relaxed in the process.
Making better choices can happen now more than it could when you were in your 20s and hooking up was the all-important goal. You’re now able to avoid your past mistakes because you learned from them and to build true and lasting relationships.
Forging into a mature relationship means that you should use communication skills you’ve learned from the past. Communicate with others in a direct and honest manner rather than assuming that they can read your mind.
Dating in your 40s and 50s can be even more rewarding than in your 30s or younger years, but it can also be daunting. You may have been in a relationship for a long time and are just getting back into the dating scene.
Some things you may want to think about include knowing that your age has matured you to the point that gives you decided advantages over others who are dating in their youth.
One of those advantages is that you’re no longer thinking about the biological tick-tock. You can concentrate on building a relationship based on likes and passions rather than a mate that can provide children and help you financially make ends meet.
You can likely enjoy the good life more with nice dinners and travel to places you once dreamed about. And as partners, you are independent of each other and have separate lives, releasing the pressure on one to be the end-all.
Men and women who enter the dating scene later in life might expect to be confronted with the opportunity to date someone much younger than yourself. Even though you know the age difference might present problems, it’s unlikely you’ll listen to your own advice.
When dating someone younger – or older – than you will cause people to talk. Know that there will be those who don’t approve and those who are genuinely happy for you. Nothing in life is guaranteed and you should move ahead with relationship plans.
But you should also proceed with caution when you’re dating someone older or younger than you. Be aware that you could be moving ahead with the relationship more rapidly than you should.
If a person is much younger than you, s/he likely doesn’t know everything you’ve learned from experience. A younger person might want to jump into a long-term relationship much faster than you’re ready for.
Dating an older person might also present challenges, such as feeling as if you’re the kid in the relationship. In both cases, you should be diplomatic in your reactions and words, but be perfectly clear in your goals and aspirations.
A younger person might be embroiled in all the aspects of a career path, while the older person in the relationship is settled and ready to let go and live it up a bit. If you’ve made your wishes and goals clear, you can still have the relationship but enjoy life as you wish to live it.
In the long run, relationships – no matter how young or old you are – take a great deal of work. Anything that makes it more difficult, such as an age gap, can add stress to the relationship.
Self-confidence and self-awareness and tons of good communication can make any relationship work. You just need to be committed.